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Fix My Relationship

Fix My Relationship

Discovering a Better Path Through Connection and Vulnerability

Navigating relationships can often be a complex and challenging endeavor. Many couples find themselves caught in cycles of frustration, feeling as though there is something inherently wrong with them after numerous unsuccessful attempts to mend their partnerships. However, it is crucial to understand that the problem often lies not within you but within the processes you are employing. Think of it this way: if you were to take a taxi to the airport and it broke down, you would not blame yourself – you would recognize that you simply chose the wrong vehicle. Similarly, selecting an ineffective model for relationship repair is not your fault; you just need to find or create a method that will effectively take you to your destination.

Common Pitfalls in Relationship Repair

Traditional methods of fixing relationships typically follow a top-down, problem-solving approach, which may include:

  • Implementing prescribed systems of communication and negotiation.
  • Labeling emotions or behaviors to manage or change them.
  • Attempting to alter behavior without addressing the underlying emotional drivers.

These strategies, while common, can be overly simplistic and focus too much on managing symptoms rather than tackling the core issues. Thoughts and behaviors are deeply rooted in our emotions, which are intrinsically linked to our physiological states. By concentrating only on what is visible — the symptoms — we overlook the fundamental emotional and physiological currents that shape these manifestations.

A New Approach

Over the years, and now with MELD, I have developed a unique approach based on decades of experience with men and couples who have shared these frustrations. Our approach goes beyond traditional fixes. We do not just aim to change behaviors; we strive to transform what drives those behaviors through a connection with oneself.

Decades ago, in my groups, we learned the rare skill of connecting to our own somatic and emotional experiences. This connection to ourselves made connecting to our partners a natural consequence. Authentic connection with another person, or having them connect with you, is challenging unless you have a firm grasp of your own experiences and can share them.

Beyond Simple Fixes

Our approach is not only supported by research but also enriched by personal experiences. We encourage individuals to:

  • Fix themselves first: Healing and connecting to oneself lays the groundwork for healthier relationships.
  • View the relationship as a living entity: Like any living body, a relationship requires care and attention. When a person takes ownership of the relationship dynamics and champions it, both parties benefit.

From a Narrow Focus to a Systemic View

Men often approach problems with a fix-it mentality, which is not inherently bad but can be limiting. This mindset leads us to a reductionist view, breaking the problem into parts without recognizing that sometimes it is the entire system — the relationship itself – that is malfunctioning. We have never been properly taught how to sustain effective relationships. What sustains a relationship after the initial romance? Often, it is the vulnerability embraced during that romantic phase that remains key.

The Power of Vulnerability and Connection

True connection is not about relentlessly tackling each emerging problem; rather, it develops from vulnerability, the conduit through which deeper bonds are forged. Beginning with oneself and extending this openness to your partner can transform the relationship, creating a self-sustaining cycle of safety, trust, attraction, connection, and desire. As Esther Perel notes, the energy in relationships comes from embracing the unpredictable and the new — the vulnerable.

Crafting Your Own Model

It is important to remember that neither you nor your partner is the problem. The conventional models we have been taught require reevaluation. By creating your own model — one that prioritizes repair and builds what you truly desire — you can begin to experience significant changes. From years of offering retreats for men and couples, I have learned that in a safe space, guided by experienced and caring professionals, deep and lasting change can occur. This naturalistic model, which you adapt and practice during the retreat with staff support, allows you to rewire both your nervous system and your relationship’s dynamics.

Fixing a relationship is more than applying a quick fix or following a generic formula – it means fostering deeper connection and emotional integrity. We believe in empowering individuals with tools that go beyond conventional methods. Join us to explore how you can transform your relationships and embark on a path to genuine fulfillment and deeper connections.

If this approach resonates with you, please explore what we offer or contact me. Relationships are too precious to risk.

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Owen Marcus Co-Founder, Dir of Innovation
With over thirty-five years of pioneering work in men's emotional wellness, Owen Marcus has profoundly influenced the way men engage with emotional health. He founded MELD (Men's Emotional Leadership Development) and created the innovative programs at EVRYMAN. His approach integrates emotional physiology and polyvagal theory, fostering deep personal transformation through scientifically informed, somatic-based peer support. Owen is the author of "Grow Up" and has been featured in "The New York Times," NPR, and the documentary "About Men." His methodologies are also implemented in corporate programs, including those for Google, reflecting his commitment to enhancing relational dynamics among men.