Embody Your Future

The MELD Method is designed to restore a man’s natural ability to live in alignment with his deepest purpose, feel profoundly fulfilled in his relationships, and contribute to the world in ways that are truly meaningful. Whether you’re looking to overcome stress and burnout, expand emotional awareness, or just live a more satisfying life, our simple, holistic approach ensures that you thrive in every aspect of your life.

As featured in:

ABC News
Los Angeles Times
Men's Health
Today Show
Washington Post

Living a satisfying life doesn’t have to be complicated, stressful or overwhelming. MELD coaches have guided thousands of men through personal awakenings, showing each individual how to tap into the wisdom already living in their body. If you are ready to break through what’s holding you back, you’re in the right place.

Here is what to expect with MELD in your toolkit:

Reclaim Untapped Potential  –  Reconnect with Deepest Calling  –  Repair Romantic Relationship  –  Authentic Friendships  –  Beat Stress, Overwhelm, Burnout  –  Unblock Creativity  –  Reconnect with your Children  –  Heal Trauma

You Want Something That Works – And Lasts. That's What MELD Does

The reality is that men, even when outwardly successful, feel trapped, and there aren’t many solutions specifically crafted for men by men. Culture expects us to be invulnerable and doesn’t offer men a model for working through our blocks in healthy ways. Society generally frowns upon men seeking help at all. Without the right tools it can be easy to struggle with:

  • Hyper-Reactivity
  • Stress & Anxiety
  • Overwhelm & Burnout
  • Loneliness & Social Isolation
  • Numbing, Checking Out & Shutting Down
  • “Nice Guy” People Pleasing
  • Unhealthy Relationships
  • Physical Pain

The good news is that you can leave all of this behind, and it’s much easier than you think. We’ve created a science-backed formula, experience-proven in over three decades of working with men, to start building – or rebuilding – the life you’ve always wanted. Our team of experienced facilitators and somatic coaches are ready to help you tap into the skills that will serve you for the rest of your life.


MELD is a health and education organization serving men and addressing the challenges men face – from a man’s perspective. We work with men who are ready to do their own inner work to achieve amazing results that traditional therapy cannot offer.

MELD is not a boot camp that beats you up and humiliates you, nor do we engage in new-age, mythopoetic concepts of what masculinity is and isn’t. We don’t offer prescriptive advice or one-size-fits-all solutions at inflated prices. Whether it’s group programs that connect you with other men, personalized coaching for you, working in-person at one of our retreats, or executive coaching for your team, our approach honors the unique story, struggles, and aspirations of every man.

A Legacy of Supporting Men

The MELD Method has been changing the lives of men since 1995 when Owen Marcus opened his integrated medical clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona. Trained as an elite Rolfer working with Olympic athletes, Owen developed a careful practice of working with the body to bring the body into holistic alignment. This method dug deeper, connecting physical health with mental and emotional health to achieve astounding results beyond what was believed possible by the science at the time. 

In 2005 the MELD Method was used to seed the Sandpoint Men’s Group in Sandpoint, ID which has met regularly since its inception and has seen over 500 men pass through the group. 

In 2017 the Method served as the foundation for the EVRYMAN organization, where the MELD team, which now included Mike Sagun and Duncan Rich, created new adaptations of the MELD Method in the form of courses, retreats, events and trainings.

Today MELD’s motivation comes from teaching men the skills that were never modeled for us, to forge authentic, fulfilling and generative lives, creating a ripple effect beyond the individual, benefiting their families and communities.

Years Working with Men
Men's Groups Started
Retreats Hosted
Men Served

With MELD, life-changing programs and experiences are our specialty – and it’s very easy to get started.

Become Transformed – Fast

Here's How:

Step 1

Book Your FREE Discovery Session with our facilitators and then show up for the call.

Step 2

Identify the learning format that works best for you.

Step 3

Start tapping into the innate tools in your physiology with the support of our world class facilitators and a community of men who have your back.

Meet a Few of the Thousands of Men Who Found Success With Us:


What does MELD do?

MELD works with men like you to get you out of your head and into your body, as a way to connect with a deeper personal authenticity. We help you achieve greater satisfaction in life by guiding you towards becoming more of who you really are. Our formula involves slowing down, developing a greater awareness of yourself, and getting things unstuck. We whole-heartedly believe that helping men to live healthier, more fulfilling lives makes the whole world better.

Think of MELD like a support group for men, or life coaching for men who are ready to use science to make sustainable changes.

80% of information in our system flows upwards from your body towards your brain [1], yet we live in a “top-down” world where almost everything is determined and dictated by the mind. While the mind is a powerful tool, it cannot be the only avenue for exploration, because understanding what to do is only part of the puzzle. The mind can often function as the biggest distraction from the root of an issue due to its power to rationalize. An experience must be felt in order to be truly understood, and for a new pattern to become sustainable.

[1] Porges, S. (2007). The polyvagal perspective. Biological Psychology, 74(2), 116-143.

The benefits of MELD include:

  • Living with a renewed sense of purpose
  • Deepening your primary romantic relationship
  • Showing up with authenticity
  • Getting clarity on your deepest calling
  • Remaining grounded in the face of stress
  • Responding instead of reacting
  • Resolving life-long harmful patterns
  • Creating meaningful friendships
  • Asking for what you want
  • Unlocking the flow of your creative energy
  • Living with confidence

MELD is a perfect compliment to traditional therapy. Our process shares many similarities with men’s group therapy, or a men’s support group, but ultimately takes a different approach than most therapy by focusing on the physically felt experience, the subconscious, and the science of the parts of your system that are in charge of your instinctual responses. We help you to build skills, not reliance on us. We also train therapists and coaches to integrate our method into their practice. We are somatic men’s coaches, practitioners, and facilitators, not technically therapists; and our practice is therapeutic, but not technically therapy.

This is a common, yet often unspoken concern that we’ve encountered countless times. In coming to this work ourselves, each one of us has asked, “I see it working for others but is this going to work for ME?”

While there are many variables, the answer, as it is when engaging in any practice, be it talk therapy, going to the gym, yoga, hiking, etc., is that what you gain is directly related to what you put in. Lean in and apply yourself, take the risks, and you will see results. We’re so confident that you will feel the difference that we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on our MELD Core program.

Four key factors set us apart from other Wellness companies, coaching organizations, and groups that focus on men. 

  1. Science – our method is rooted in over 7 decades of research and proven scientific principals.
  2. Body-based – we directly engage the body’s innate wisdom as the gateway to a deeper experience, blending physical, cognitive, and emotional capacities.
  3. Community – the importance of men learning with other men cannot be overstated, nor replicated in any other way.
  4. Causality – going beyond understanding the solutions to actually feeling and embodying the changes, leading to greater sustainability.

These four pillars are baked into all of our somatic coaching, and MELD shares many similarities to men’s

Physical touch can be an important part of somatic coaching, when accompanied by clear consent and boundaries. A skilled practitioner can use gentle physical touch to:

  1. Draw attention to specific areas of the body.
  2. Guide a subject through new patterns of movement.
  3. Provide gentle resistance, allowing participants to explore their physical boundaries and strength.
  4. Help clients become aware of and adjust their posture.

Why touch is used:

  1. Increased body awareness: Touch helps clients become more attuned to their physical sensations and bodily experiences.
  2. Emotional release: Physical contact can sometimes trigger the release of stored emotions or memories held in the body.
  3. Neuroplasticity: Touch combined with movement can help rewire neural pathways, potentially changing habitual patterns.
  4. Grounding: Physical contact can help clients feel more present and connected to their bodies.
  5. Trust and connection: Appropriate touch can foster a sense of safety and connection between coach and client.
  6. Trauma healing: For some individuals, safe and consensual touch can be part of healing from past traumas.
  7. Embodied learning: Touch can enhance the learning process by providing direct, physical experiences.


** Note that MELD Core and MELD Forge are 100% online programs and therefore physical touch from a practitioner is not a component.

At this time, yes MELD programs are for anyone who identifies as a man, from any and all communities, backgrounds, and walks of life. The Core skill training and group experience, the Forge coaching program, our men’s Retreats, the Integrated Training and certification program, and our membership network are for men only.

It’s important that men have spaces where we can build skills, practice, and support each other’s growth. We occasionally offer mixed-gender events open to all, such as MELD Sessions, our live interactive podcast event, and our therapist workshops.

MELD is somatic coaching, resiliency training, life coaching for men, or simply a down-to-earth somatic practice. It’s similar in many ways to men’s group therapy, or a men’s support group, with a focus on skill-building. There are elements of all of these is in all of our programs and in our men’s wellness retreat. “Wellness” in this context means you feel better because you get to move energy that has been stuck for years, possibly decades.

Yes. All of our experiential programs are suitable for professional therapists, coaches, doctors, facilitators, and other professionals who work with men, as well as entrepreneurs and business leaders. The MELD Integrated Training certification program is specifically designed for professionals looking to develop skills focused on serving men.

Getting started is simple! Set up a call with us, and we’ll help you choose the best MELD program to meet your needs.

Schedule a call with a member of our team to find out the best way for you to get started.