In our groups, trainings, and courses we created a focus, and a set of agreements to guide us. Our groups have taught us that guardrails make us more likely to move forward gracefully and easily.
We hold these truths to be evident: that every man’s development is inherently linked to that of his community; that through authentic connection and mutual support, each man flourishes; and that true leadership emerges not from dominion but from the power of presence and the courage to be authentic in all aspects of life.
This design rejects outdated stereotypes and embraces a holistic approach to development, where leadership emanates from self-awareness and acceptance. We commit to practices and principles tested and proven to foster growth as men and as a community. By learning to use our stress response as a tool for development, we unlock the potential for true leadership from within.
We serve our community through our core values. They are the guardrails that keep us moving forward:
We are accountable for our commitments and actions and the lack thereof. When we make a mistake, we own it fully, learn from it, and move forward with new information.
MELD is about the men, not any one man. We create and defend emotional safety for everyone. No one dominates a conversation; others are encouraged to contribute. Our decisions are all made in the best interest of our community.
When we hold each other in high integrity to our truth, the connection, care, and depth of bonds emerge naturally. We are only as strong as the container of our team, and if we act outside of our integrity, we work with each other to restore ourselves in the group.
This community is held together by the shared intention to be vulnerable and transparent with our truth. We use this fierce pursuit of individual and collective authenticity to keep us aligned with our mission.
As leaders, we model the behaviors we want men to adopt. We are stewards of this work and are entrusted by the community to serve them. We cannot lead in this work without doing our own work first. We actively participate in groups of our own, our programs, and the community.
We communicate openly and authentically, and when we need to, we ask for help. Transparency is sharing openly and welcoming feedback, even when it is hard to hear. We know receiving feedback can be difficult and takes courage. We slow down and say what needs to be said with an open heart and work through it together.
We know that being a steward of MELD is an honor. That we are standing up to serve something greater than ourselves. We experience all the depths and challenges of creating what is needed.
We care deeply about what we are co-creating. That includes the bonds between one another as much as the space and work itself. We assume positive intent, knowing that this is a journey, not a destination and that going together is better than going alone.
We can collectively guide each other to a better life by supporting our instinctual need for safety, connection, and community.
We aim to revolutionize emotional and relational well-being by harnessing seven decades of scientific research and innovative therapies. Grounded in our body-based approach, we utilize the power of Somaware™, our proprietary method that integrates emotional physiology to transform the symptoms and the root causes of challenges. We are committed to fostering a community-focused environment where peer-to-peer support plays a pivotal role in learning and growth. We facilitate sustainable transformation, forge authentic connections, inspire a renewed sense of purpose, and empower individuals to make fulfilling contributions. MELD is where science meets the human experience to create lasting change.
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